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Currency conversion

Please note that if your contractor receives payment in cryptocurrency, then you need to create tasks in USD currency.

If the contractor receives payment to a bank card issued by a Russian bank, then it is necessary to create tasks in RUB currency.

If you have topped up your balance in another currency, then create a conversion request on the Currency Exchange tab:

  • click the New exchange button and select the type of operation;

  • if you want to sell a certain amount, then choose the FixSell type. If you want to buy a certain amount, then choose the FixBuy type;
  • specify the currency you wish to sell in the line I want to sell;

  • specify the currency you wish to buy in the line I want to buy;

  • enter the purchase/sale amount in the Amount to buy/Amount to sell line.
Currency exchange RUB -> EUR/USD/UAH or EUR->USD/USD->EUR is based on the Revolut bank rates: https://www.revolut.com/currency-converter

Payments by EasyStaff in favor of third parties in Russian rubles are made according to the exchange rate, which is established by the Central bank of Russia on the date of exchange, or at the market exchange rate determined in accordance with the information posted on the website:

  1. EUR→RUB: https://www.profinance.ru/charts/eurrub/lc37
  2. USD→RUB: https://www.profinance.ru/charts/usdrub/lc3a

EasyStaff may on its discretion choose one of the specified payment rates, including on the basis of the possibility of acquiring currency.
The conversion is carried out by the finance department from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. UTC+3.
EasyStaff UAB
Code 305643163
V. Nagevičiaus st. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-08237
Support working hours
8am - 5pm UTC +2